I never had much regard for Pensacola, as it sorta just figured in my mind as a hillbilly backwater/military town/ugly republican sort of place. It may be that, but it also happens to have some spectacular beaches. Yesterday the water was an irredescent shade of tourquiose green; it was overcast and the sky was all soft pink pastels, the sand like powdered sugar, so fine and so so white. When my Dad and I went out it was raining and extremely windy; we found the body of a dead sooty shearwater, an open sea bird, washed up in the sand. It was beautiful, and huge, and hopefully not at all an omen of anything to come. But I read too much into these things.
They planted rows of sea oats on the dunes after Katrina ripped through here in the hopes of controlling the erosion of the sand, they are so sweet when the sun shines on them.
Me and my Dad at just hanging out.
Hi, Ava, Hi Joey, Greetings from Pensacola Beach!
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